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Company Profile-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Honors-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Culture-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Factory-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Chairman’s Speech-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Contact Us-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Sales Network-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Case-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Team Style-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Talent Concept-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Jobs-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd.


Gas pipes, pipes Gas Station Pipeline Water Supply Pipe Mine Pipe Corrugated Pipe
Flange Flange Flange Flange Flange Flange Flange Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Pipe Cap Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Equal Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Reducing Tee Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Plastic Conversion Plastic Conversion PE Gas Pipe Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter Reduced Diameter 75.63 Double Pipe Welded Joints 125.75 Double Pipe Welded Joints Anti-seepage with anti-static conductive composite pipe With monitoring port double pipe terminal fittings Monolayer impervious static elbow Fused Sleeve Flange Flange Root Impervious conductive composite pipe Impermeable guide electrostatic double tee Anti-seepage composite pipe Plastic Conversion Double anti-seepage electrostatic discharge elbow Double pipe terminal fittings Pre-fused sleeve 90 ° elbow Pre-fused sleeve tee Socket 45 ° elbow Socket 90 ° elbow Reducing socket tee Butt 90 ° elbow Butt reduction tee Butt diameter directly Butt is three links Flange Flange Piece Trap Pipe Cap Shut-off valve Three wire inside Inside the elbow, outside the wire three links PE water pipe Water supply pipe Mine Pipe Corrugated Pipe
Gas pipes, pipes-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Gas Station Pipeline-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Water Supply Pipe-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Mine Pipe-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. Corrugated Pipe-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd.


公司新闻 行业新闻
公司新闻-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd. 行业新闻-PE gas pipeline_Medium pressure gas pipeline_gas pipeline-Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd.


内丝弯头、外丝三通 双层防渗导静电弯管 防渗导静电双层三通 防渗导静电复合管道 单层防渗导静电弯管 预置电熔套筒三通 双层管道终端接头 燃气管道、管材 对接异径三通 防渗复合管道 承插异径三通 中压燃气管道 对接异径直接 承插90°弯头 承插45°弯头 对接90°弯头 对接正三通 加油站管道 PE燃气管道 PE燃气管材 PE给水管材 供水管道 矿用管道 燃气管道 内丝三通 钢塑转换 电熔套筒 异径直接 异径三通 波纹管 法兰根 截止阀 分水器 法兰片 正三通


tel1.pngNational service hotline

Add:Shouguang City, Shandong Province, Weifang City Park West Street 81 (Chenming Industrial Park)

Tel:0536-5285599 / 5285513 / 5285988  Office / Planning Purchasing Department / Sales Department


Copyright  ©  Shandong juxing pipe industry Co., Ltd.     备案号:鲁ICP备12030009号  Technical

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